VSO 100 Things: 27. Harry Potter movie marathon.

The Reason

In June 2009 I hit the big 2-0, making me realise how many things I'd been meaning to do but had simply never got round to doing; so I began making a list of 100 things I'd never done before. This challenge has taken me to the top of mountains, got me on national TV, put me through rather a lot of pain, and helped me raise hundreds of pounds for various charities. Every time I complete a task I'll update this blog by adding a picture as proof. So be sure to become a follower and track my progress!


27. Harry Potter movie marathon.

We brought out the popcorn, oreos, and chocolate, got through two movies, then fell asleep on the sofas. I'd hardly call it a marathon, but we tried.

1 comment:

Andrew Thompson said...

Hi Danny - I'm Andrew from Prospect Hospice. Glad to hear you're fundraising for us. Could you get in touch please?

01793 816167.

