VSO 100 Things: 28. Sing and dance in the rain.

The Reason

In June 2009 I hit the big 2-0, making me realise how many things I'd been meaning to do but had simply never got round to doing; so I began making a list of 100 things I'd never done before. This challenge has taken me to the top of mountains, got me on national TV, put me through rather a lot of pain, and helped me raise hundreds of pounds for various charities. Every time I complete a task I'll update this blog by adding a picture as proof. So be sure to become a follower and track my progress!


28. Sing and dance in the rain.

Despite being warned that things were going to get pretty wet, I still opted to wear skinny jeans and loafers. But after getting wetter than wet, wading through rapids, chasing monkeys and singing Disney songs, we stopped for an impromptu celebratory dance.

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